Scientific, technical and innovative activities at the university are an integral part of educational activities and are carried out with the aim of integrating scientific, educational and industrial activities. It is a compulsory component of every scientific and pedagogical employee of the University and is aimed at acquiring new scientific knowledge through research and development and their orientation to the creation and introduction of new competitive technologies to ensure innovative development of society, training of specialists of innovative type, application of new scientific, scientific and technical knowledge during the training of specialists with higher education, the formation of modern scientific human resources capable of providing development ment and implementation of innovative research.
Today, the university is purposefully developing towards the creation of agrarian educational institution of research type, which is able to ensure efficient use of national regional technical, human and scientific potential, development and implementation of high science-intensive biotechnology, increasing the level of innovation and competitiveness of the national economy.
In 2018, there was a real breakthrough in scientific work:
According to the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On Awarding the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Award as the most talented young scientist in the field of basic and applied research and scientific and technological development for 2018” No. 2670-VIII of 15.01.2019, for the first time to the scientists of VNAU Goncharuk I , Goncharuk T, Rubanenko O, Yanovich V was awarded the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Award for the most talented young scientist in the field of basic and applied research and scientific and technical development for 2018 for the work "Scientific and technical support of energy autonomy of agroindustrial complex on the basis of efficient use of renewable energy sources", which is a worthy achievement of the academic school AHEM.
VNAU received 4 scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine among the most talented young scientists: Rubanenko O, Lutsyak V, Yanovych V, Klimchuk A.
According to the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On the appointment in 2019 of nominal scholarships of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists” No. 2674-VIII of 17.01.2019, according to which Kravets R was appointed in 2019 a nominal scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists.
Regarding funding for research, it has almost doubled compared to 2017. The equipment was donated by sponsors and investors.
On October 31, 2018, an agreement was reached with Oleksiy Hrynenko, Chief Designer of Lozivsky Machines and the Ukrainian Transmission and Chassis Design Bureau (UKBTSH) on the development of a disc harrow by scientists at the University, which will allow it to be transported compactly and safely.
The power supply and automation laboratory was upgraded thanks to a cooperation agreement between the management of the university and E.NEXT-Ukraine. Representatives of Vinnytsia NAU and experts of E.NEXT-Ukraine have signed an agreement on joint participation as partners for writing grants in Erasmus +.
Among the innovations of the laboratory are the installation of reactive power compensation, stands with circuit breakers, differential protection and control and control relays. In addition, the technical staff of the laboratory supplemented the new computer.
Valuable equipment has also appeared on the landfill of the Department of Electrical Engineering Technology and Automation in AIC: complete 10 kV switchgear and epoxy input.
We won the budget funding for the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative technologies for the production and processing of animal products".
In total, 6 international and 24 all-Ukrainian conferences, seminars, and roundtables were held at VNAU, in which pedagogical staff of our colleges actively participated.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of December 22, 2018, No. 1439 approved the project of scientific and technical development of young scientists of VNAU "Development of the newest concept of agricultural waste utilization to ensure energy autonomy of agricultural enterprises, the financing of which began from January 2019 at the expense of the state budget.
A scientific society of students, graduate students and young scientists is active in the university.
In 2018, according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "On granting access to higher education institutions and scientific institutions in the sphere of management of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to electronic scientific databases" # 1213 of 6.11.2018 Vinnytsia National Agrarian University access to the international electronic scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science at the expense of the state budget.
It is important that the separate structural units of the University were also granted access to the mentioned bases: Technological and Industrial College of VNAU, Mogilev-Podilsky College of Technology and Economics of VNAU, Nemyriv College of Construction, Economics and Design of VNAU, Ladizhin College of VNAU, and libraries, technically equipped, have free access to the Internet and are a kind of platform for scientific development.
The connection of VNAU to the international electronic scientific databases of Scopus and Web of Science gives the possibility of free access to them by scientific-pedagogical staff of the university and colleges, graduate students, students, which will significantly improve the development of scientific infrastructure and training of scientific staff of the university. Having such access opens up new opportunities for young scientists. Now, every university and college scientist can easily present their own research findings and track scientometric data from their profile in Scopus and Web of Science.
In 2018, we first created and streamlined VNAU profiles in Scopus, Web of Science international science databases, and created a university profile in Ukrainian science bibliometrics - Google Scholar.
The entire scientific and pedagogical composition of the University has profiles in the Google Scholar Science database, ORCID and ResearcherIDs and is registered in the Ukrainian Science Bibliometric System.
It is important that VNAU scientists will be able to evaluate quantitative and qualitative indicators of the university's scientific activity, since Vinnytsia National Agrarian University has its own profiles in the world scientific databases Scopus, Web of Science and the system of Bibliometrics of Ukrainian science.
It is worth noting that during the reporting period the indicators of the scientific activity of the university have significantly improved:
• Scopus increased the number of publications from 44 to 73, and accordingly increased the Hirsch index - from 4 to 6;
• According to Web of Science, the number of publications from 31 increased to 66; the Hirsch index rose from 2 to 4;
in the system of Bibliometrics of Ukrainian science according to the rating lists Vinnytsia National Agrarian University was ranked among the top 100 universities in Ukraine, the Hirsch index increased from 24 to 27.
The results of scientific activity of teachers, scientists, graduate students, young scientists of VNAU, as well as scientists of other universities are covered not only in the world international scientific databases, but also in professional editions of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. The University has six own professional publications:
• Economy. Finances. Management: topical issues of science and practice.
• Vibrations in engineering and technology.
• Agriculture and forestry
• Agrarian science and food technology.
• Engineering, energy, transportation of agricultural industry.
• Industrial hydraulics and pneumatics.
For 2018, the VNAU repository has been supplemented by 4063 works. In 2018, 31 articles were written by SCA in Scopus, 32 by Web of Science, 157 by Copernicus International Science Base, 436 articles in total, 47 in Ukraine, 13 in monographs, 5 in monographs. textbooks and manuals - 13, utility model patents - 23, inventions patents - 24, copyright certificates - 4.
In 2018, VNAU made a breakthrough in innovation.
May 16, 2018 Start up young scientists of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University won the All-Ukrainian Innovation Festival. In total, in 2018, 240 applications were submitted, most of them from universities - 165. Representatives of scientific institutions of national academies of science, schools, colleges, vocational colleges, etc. also submitted their projects.
During the evaluation of projects, the jury drew attention to 3 main criteria: novelty, scalability (audience size, which is intended for development), state of readiness for implementation. VNAU presented its project “Development of a vibration mill for the mechanical activation of bulk material” in the nomination “Economically oriented innovations”, where it confidently won first place. In addition, he won the Audience Award. The energy-saving vibrating mill makes it possible to grind to a particle size of 5 to 50 micrometers, which is 5 times thinner than a human hair. This allows more material to be activated. For example, medicines crushed at such a mill are absorbed by the body not in a few hours, as in normal grinding, but for a maximum of one hour.
The awarding of the winners was supported by the partners of the festival. The teams received cash prizes, certificates for travel trips, for the use of laboratory equipment at the FabLab Innovation Laboratory. The VNAU team received 25 thousand hryvnias, as well as a certificate for free participation in the exhibitions Innovation market, Ukrainian Israeli Innovation Summit 2018 and the right to represent Ukraine at the International Startup University Battle in Copenhagen.
Thanks to the financial support of the VNAU leadership and the sponsorships involved, the team of young scientists presented the national development in Copenhagen (Denmark) during the October 6-12, 2018 at University Startup World Cup 2018 and won the Social Media Award with a record number of support votes - more than 16 thousand.
Another recognition of the young inventors was the International Youth Contest "Startup project", which was held within the framework of the project "Higher education institutions for youth entrepreneurship" under the Erasmus + program November 12-14 among 87 startups in the finals of the competition were presented 3 startups of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, among which one "Automated Hydro Farm with Remote Control (GET ECO)" won bronze.
37 students won the competition of scientific works and the second round of subject professional Olympiads, international competitions.
The best work of VNAU was selected among 22 from Ukraine and published at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Prize for the development and implementation of innovative technologies, we expect results.
For the first time, the 15 best innovative innovations of VNAU were included in the publication of the second volume of Innovative developments of higher education institutions and scientific institutions of Ukraine, which presents 46 institutions.
To TOP-5 of the best innovative developments of Ukraine includes our universal vibromachine, which will be presented on the cover of the journal II of Innovative developments of higher education institutions and scientific institutions of Ukraine, as one of the 5 most successful innovative projects of Ukraine.
3rd year full-time PhD student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of VNAU Alexander Yaremchuk won the international essay competition on the topic: "Twenty-five years of parliamentary cooperation in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation region - perspectives and prospects for the future 2018" and 19-21 Participation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Region in Tyrana, Albania.
The contest featured 72 essays from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Romania, Greece and Georgia.
A graduate of the Agronomy Faculty, Mediany M won the long-awaited victory at the Agro-2019 competition, competing with more than 30 higher agrarian establishments in Ukraine among the 83 finalists of the competition. In February, our winner attended the 2019 SIMA industry exhibition in Paris.
Dmytro Krasilenko Master of the Faculty of Technology of Livestock Production and Processing of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University - won a grant in the competition for projects for rural communities "Village. Steps to development ".
On December 3, 2018, the finals of the IV All-Ukrainian Competition "Best Agricultural Practice 2018" started. The competition jury received 125 applications this year, a significant number of works were distinguished by the high quality of the submitted videos. Olga Sokur, Faculty of Agronomy, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, and Ivan Dimchin, Faculty of Livestock Production Technology and Processing, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, are among the best works that included in the finals and videos of our students. As a result of voting by the faculty and students of the university Ivan Dimchin won and received an award of 5 thousand UAH on the development of scientific activity.

Postgraduate and doctoral studies
Accounting and taxation
Material Science
Industry engineering
Food technology
Technologies of production and processing of livestock products
Veterinary hygiene, sanitation and expertise


Gryhoriy Kaletnik

Gryhoriy Zabolotnyi

Borys Zribniak
Leonid Sereda

Viktor Anisimov

Vasyl Mamalyha

Inna Goncharuk

Olena Dzhedzhula

Oleksandr Yaremchuk

Nataliia Pravdiuk

Roman Chudak

Serhii Razanov
training laboratories
The teaching staff of the University actively participate in international, all-Ukrainian, inter-university and university conferences. The annual international conferences "Land of Ukraine - the potential of energy and environmental security of the state", "Transformational dynamics of agro-industrial production development", "Modern problems of improving the quality of safety of production and processing of livestock products", "Vibrations in technology and technologies" became traditional.
In 2018, 6 international and 24 all-Ukrainian conferences, seminars, and roundtables were held at the university, in which pedagogical staff of colleges are also actively participating.
Professional scientific publications
participation in conferences, forums, seminars

Training laboratory machine-tractor station "Module"

Training laboratory machine-tractor station "Module"

Training laboratory machine-tractor station "Module"

Training laboratory machine-tractor station "Module"

Training laboratory machine-tractor station "Module"