
About the University

Currently, Ukrainian land needs qualified farmers, people who understand and respect it. It is these specialists that Vinnytsia National Agrarian University trains within its walls.

VNAU is a powerful center of education and science with a modern material and technical base, an extensive network of branches and scientific centers, widely known in Ukraine and abroad.

The university includes: 3 education-scientific institutes – Agricultural Technologies And Environmental Management; Economics and Management; Peace, Social Communications And Rehabilitation; 8 faculties: Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Protection; Ecology, Forestry And Landscape Gardening; Economics, Information Technology and Service Sector; Accounting, Finance and Audit; Management and Law; Engineering and Technological; Technologies of Production, Processing and Robotics in Animal Husbandry; Veterinary Medicine.

The structure of VNAU also includes: Separate structural unit «Technological and Industrial Professional College of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University», Separate structural unit «Ladyzhyn Professional College of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University», Separate structural unit «Mohyliv-Podilskyi Technological-Economic Professional College of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University», Separate structural unit «Nemyriv Professional College of Construction, Economics and Design of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University», Separate Structural Unit «Cherniatyn Professional College of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University».

The Agrarian University provides training according to a multi-stage system: adaptation of school graduates to study at the university, training of junior specialists, bachelors, masters, candidates and doctors of sciences, doctors of philosophy.

The University expands the horizons of cooperation with leading Ukrainian and world enterprises and institutions. After all, only in such cooperation it is possible to train a real highly qualified specialist who can successfully compete in today's dynamic labor market.

VNAU is actively developing the system of dual form of education. This is an opportunity to simultaneously study at the university and work in your specialty, adopting the experience of the best mentors of leading Ukrainian companies – VNAU stakeholders. Thanks to dual education, the material and technical base of the University is improved, training and research centers are opened.

The best students of the university deepen their theoretical knowledge during internships and internships in 16 educational institutions, at leading agricultural enterprises in Europe and the USA.

VNAU is the leading educational institution in Ukraine in the implementation of modern innovative methods of organizing the educational process, electronic learning tools, test control of residual knowledge, etc. The electronic quality management system for educational activities «Socrates» is the university's own development and a global information basis for managing the educational process; electronic support of the library; university repository; scientific and consultative educational environment of the university.

Gryhoriy Kaletnik
Gryhoriy Kaletnik

Page of the university president

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Victor Mazur
Victor Mazur

Rector of the University

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The history of the University



International activities of VNAU are diverse and multifaceted. Dynamic international cooperation is a necessary condition for the integration of the University into community of European universities, the development of friendly relation with foreign partners and strengthening of intercultural relation. Over the last 14 years, over two hundred teachers and over a thousand students have been trained abroad, dozens of international conferences have been organized and held, and fifty agreements on joint educational activities have been concluded with foreign partners from thirty countries of the world, including Albania, Belarus, the United Kingdom, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia Canada, Kenya, the Netherlands, Poland, the Republic of Tatarstan, the USA, Romania, the Russian Federation, Slovakia, Hungary, Montenegro.


Separate units

College of Technology and Engineering
Director: Ruslan Budiak
Vinnytsia, Yunost Avenue 8
tel: (0432) 51-15-99, tel/fax 43-88-23

Mohyliv-Podilskyi College of Technology and Economics
Director: Valentyna Kazmir
Vinnytsia region, Mohyliv-Podilskyi, Kyivska 40/1 str.
tel: (04337) 6-28-50 fax: (04337) 6-28-50

Nemyriv College of Construction, Economics and Design
Director: Maryna Kondratova
Vinnytsia region, Nemyriv, Himnaziina 29 str.
tel: (04337) 6-28-50 fax: (04337) 6-28-50

College of Ladyzhyn
Director: Oleh Tsurkan
Vinnytsia region, Ladyzhyn, Petro Kravchyk 5 str.
tel/fax: (04343) 6-16-01, tel. 6-11-73, 6-18-60

Agricultural College of Verkhivka
Director: Oleksandr Kushnir
Vinnytsia region, Trostyanets district, village Verkhivka, Tekhnikumivska 1 str.
tel/fax: (243) 28-5-42

College of Chernyatyn
Director: Vitaliy Kucheriavyi
Vinnytsia region, Zhmerynskyi district,
Village .Chernyatin , Pershotravneva 28 str.
tel: (04332) 2-27-40, 3-24-25

Separate units


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