
USEC “All Ukrainian scientific-educational Consortium”


World economic development is impossible without scientific and innovative system of the university training of the staff for production and business. Today, universities should become integrators in the world community, catalysts of international communication and cooperation between educational, scientific institutions, manufacturing and business, initiators of the adaptation of the laws and scientific and innovation policies of individual countries to global trends in economic development.
The transformation of universities into a universally recognized source of new knowledge, modern scientific research, human professional resources has led to the beginning of a new historical stage of university development in the formation of their own business projects, business incubators, educational enterprises, educational research farms, training production units that are constructed on capitalization of innovations and transferring of technologies.
Specialists who are already able to implement the latest world technologies, use modern kinds of technology, make optimal management decisions that minimize the risks of international cooperation in production and business, who are intellectually and legally educated, patriots of their states and multinational community in general, those who protect human values, are trained by a team of thousands of scientists and teachers of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Educational Consortium.
The main tasks of the Consortium's activities are: the sole coordination of the activities of its founders to increase the efficiency of basic scientific research, the organization, implementation and coordination of applied scientific research in the field of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine; formation of a modern effective system of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists of higher education for the agricultural industry based on the integration and joint activity of the scientific, educational, innovative and technological potential of the Consortium founders' teams by generalization and dissemination of advanced scientific developments; creation and implementation of new learning technologies based on national and world experience; organization of postgraduate training of specialists and training and advanced training of scientific, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical staff.
The structure of the Consortium includes Vinnytsia National Agrarian University as part of the university, 7 colleges, a research farm and a center of integrated design, the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beets of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, 5 experimental breeding stations and two experimental households and Institute of Food Resources of NAASU with structural units.
In 2018, the Consortium is a serious scientific and educational potential: 85 Doctors of Sciences, 405 Candidates of Sciences, 8 academicians and corresponding members of NAAS of Ukraine, about 15 000 of students of 48 specialties, 74 educational programs of training for junior specialists, bachelors, masters. 25 specialties of training of Doctors of Philosophy, 13 specialties of defense of PhD and doctoral theses, 11 professional periodicals, 52 branches of university departments in research farms and breeding stations, 12 joint scientific projects, International Youth Agrarian Forum, more than 18 traditional annual international conferences on environmental, energy and economic security of the world.
For five years of functioning more than 1000 diploma projects of university graduates were prepared at the Consortium's bases, joint research works were carried out for more than 600 thousand UAH, 192 scientific trainings of teachers and scientists were conducted, 8 doctoral and 45 candidate theses were defended, 86 joint authors’s monographs, books and textbooks were written, more than 1500 articles including 318 in scientific metric international publications were published, the rest mainly in 11 professional publications of the Consortium.
Particular attention is paid to the support of scientific youth, whose representatives participate in traditional Startup competitions in frames of the annual International Youth Agrarian Forum.

Site of the All-Ukrainian Scientific-Educational Consortium



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