Our educational institution is known for its outstanding creative and scientific achievements not only in our country but also far beyond its borders. With our university diploma, your professional career is sure to be successful! We will help you to acquire in-depth modern knowledge in your chosen profession, to develop leadership qualities.
Modern classrooms, computer and specialised classes, training labs, a library and reading rooms are built according to European standards. Representatives of our scientific and pedagogical staff are well - known scientists and practitioners in their spheres : candidates of sciences, associate professors, professors, academicians.
We are convinced that the future of our country depends on those who acquire knowledge today. Studenthood is the source of the driving force of the society’s development . Every student within the walls of our university will become a good specialist, a decent, patriotic person and a well-developed personality. Student years are the best years of life.
Welcome to our glorious university family!

Entry rules
Deadlines for submitting applications and documents
Order entry
Find out what You need to provide a certificate of testing. Sign up for EIT.
Register the electronic Cabinet of the entrant and submit the electronic application for participation in the competition.
Find out the results of the contest and submit orinal documents to the admissions office.
Follow the requirements of the admission rules for admission of students of Vinnytsia national agrarian University.
Cost of education
Preparatory department
Set of students for preparatory courses
With us You will receive thorough training in Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, biology, chemistry, geography, history of Ukraine, physics, foreign languages for successful passing of external independent evaluation, final exams.
The preparatory courses will help the students better adapt to learning in higher education and to solve the question of the choice of their future profession.
Course teachers (based on 11th grade)
Course instructors are highly qualified University teachers and the best teachers of General educational institutions of the region. The knowledge gained in the preparatory courses provide quality preparation for the EIT and the success of its compilation.