Educational work
Educational work and humanitarian development of the university is an important component of the educational process, which is aimed at forming the worldview and value orientations of student youth, providing ample opportunities for mastering the basics of science, the richness of national and world culture, creating conditions for a free, democratic, spiritual, harmonious development, individual and professional self-improvement.
Educational work at the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University is carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Education", the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On the State National Program "Education" (Ukraine of the 21st century)", the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December 30, 2009 No. 1248 "On improving the socio-pedagogical and psychological educational process in higher educational institutions of the III-IV levels of accreditation", as well as the provisions of the Concept of National Patriotic Education of Children and Youth, adopted by the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine on June 16 2015 according to No. 641, decisions of the Academic Council of the University, the annual plan of educational work of the University.
Priority areas of educational and cultural and artistic work at the university are defined as:
- affirmation of universal and humanistic values;
- patriotism, respect and caring attitude to national, historical, cultural values, traditions and heritage of the Ukrainian people;
- creation of conditions for students to inherit the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people, formation of patriotic feelings;
- approval of a healthy lifestyle, physical development;
- education of artistic and aesthetic, legal, professional culture;
- strengthening the role of student self-government bodies and student unions in creating a positive image of the university.
The goal of the educational process at VNAU is the formation of national consciousness, the cultivation of a careful attitude to the national wealth of the country, to its history, culture, language, traditions, the formation of a new generation of specialists who are able to compete on the labor market of Ukraine and beyond, the successors of national professional and scientific traditions .
The university-wide and faculty educational plans, as well as educational work plans of curators of academic groups, are based on the specified areas of educational work.
For the proper organization of the educational process at the university, an appropriate infrastructure has been created, which is headed and coordinated by the vice-rector for educational work and humanitarian policy, which includes: a center for pre-university training, admission to study and educational work, a center for culture and leisure, a student campus, a social pedagogue, psychologist. The work is carried out in active interaction with deans and deputy deans of faculties, heads of departments, curators of academic groups, student self-government bodies and the student trade union committee.
One of the priority areas of educational work is national and patriotic education. The university conducts activities aimed at forming national consciousness, public responsibility, fostering love for the native land, its history, cultivating the best features of the Ukrainian mentality, fostering a careful attitude to the country's national wealth, language, culture, and traditions.
Last year's reporting period became special in the life and activities of the university, because all components of educational work were reformatted into explanatory work on preventing the spread of the coronavirus, protecting and preserving the lives of participants in the educational process.
In the dynamic, successful, innovative development of the university, strengthening its positive image, the student self-government bodies: the student council and the student union play a major role.
Representatives of the student self-government and the student union are members of the Academic Council of the university. For the purpose of close interaction, the university management regularly holds meetings with the student body.
The student activity of the university participates in events at the city, regional, all-Ukrainian and international levels. All activities aimed at the education of university students take place with the participation of active students.
On the initiative of students, the volunteer movement in its most traditional forms became widespread at the university:
- visiting boarding schools; residential facilities for the elderly and those in difficult life circumstances;
- participation in the all-Ukrainian charity event "Heart to Heart";
- fundraising and support for orphans, children deprived of parental education;
- collection of funds for expensive treatment of children and young people of certain categories;
- participation in city-wide charity events.
In the reporting period, individual work with students of the university's psychological service, whose task is to support the mental, intellectual, social and physical development of students, gained special importance.
In order to speed up the process of adaptation of first-year students to the new conditions of study and life, the "Program of adaptation course for students of the new set of all specialties" was created. The program includes interactive lectures, trainings, questionnaires, individual consultations, conversations.
In order to increase the adaptation resource of the freshman, to create optimal starting opportunities for effective study and scientific work, a series of conversations with trainings "10 tips for the portfolio of a freshman", "Social and psychological adaptation of a freshman", "Asia of corporate culture, "Formation of the future intellectual", " Student of VNAU - sounds decent." Sociometric studies, supplemented by trainings, contribute to mastering social reality, effective interaction in the conditions of a team form of cooperation: "Resonant leadership", "Soft skills and emotional intelligence", "Index of collective cohesion (according to Sishor)". Testing and trainings using the "Career Anchors" method, "Time Management", "Mnemonics", "Setting goals according to the SMART method" help to master key skills in the field of personal self-actualization and professional efficiency.
A special place in the system of educational work of the university is occupied by the center of culture and leisure under the leadership of Dovgan D.P. It is thanks to our talented, creative children and their abilities that the university is known in every corner of Ukraine and abroad. No university-wide event takes place without the participation of the culture and leisure center, it is thanks to their work that these events become unique and creative. Our talented students are welcome guests at city, regional and all-Ukrainian events.
Every year, the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University hosts the All-Ukrainian Festival-Competition "With Love for the Motherland".
n order to identify and support gifted and talented youth, improve the quality of education, activate research work, further develop the potential and creative abilities of students, University President Hryhoriy Kaletnik introduced the Award of the University President "Best Student of the Faculty" and "Best Student of the College".
Every year, with the aim of identifying talented youth, attracting them to participate in amateur artistic groups, and organizing meaningful leisure among student youth, the most popular creative competition among first-year students of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University "Open yourself" is held.
Every year, the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University gladly welcomes future applicants to its walls at the Open Doors Day.
Each of the applicants had the opportunity to feel like a part of a large university family, to immerse themselves in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere, which was created for everyone who wants to get to know our university. The joint efforts of students and teachers created a safe environment, because all students are on distance education, and the large areas of the university allowed guests to be divided into small groups and practically work individually.
There are many different locations waiting for future applicants here, where you can learn more about the features of admission and get to know all specialties. The student body of each of the six faculties gladly shared their knowledge and skills acquired during their studies.