International activities
One of the main activities of the University is the development of international cooperation.
VNAU actively cooperates with foreign universities and international organizations from more than 30 countries, with which agreements, treaties and memoranda on educational, scientific and international cooperation have been signed. In particular, with the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice, the Technical University in Zvolen, and the Academic Community of M. Baludianski, Eastern European Development Agency (Slovakia), the University of Science in Poznan, the University of International Relations and Public Communication in Chelm, the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, the Higher School of Health and Social Sciences (Poland), Saint-Istvan University (Hungary), Ovidius University in Constanta (Romania), Doña Horica University (Montenegro), University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (Bulgaria), University of Latvia, Lithuanian University of Applied Business of Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences in Tartu, Don State Technical University, Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after II Ivanov, Ural State Agrarian University (Russian Federation), Kazan State Academy of Medicine. Bauman (Republic of Tatarstan), Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, RUE "Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry", Scientific-practical center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on animal husbandry, Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after IP Bimyakilaginsky (Republic of Tatarstan) of Science of Georgia, Elijah State University (Georgia), National Institute for Economic Research (Republic of Moldova), Sino-Ukrainian Association for Implementation of International Projects (China), Dront the Agricultural University of the Netherlands (the Netherlands), Tirana Polytechnic University (Albania), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Zuza (Kenya), Kansas State University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University University of Louisiana (USA), Royal Agricultural College (UK), Alder College of Agriculture (Canada).
VNAU is also part of a network of prestigious international organizations: the Visegrad Association of Universities (VUA) and the Association of Universities of the Black Sea Region (BSUN).
On May 17-24, 2018, the President of VNAU, Doctor of Economics, Academician Grigory Kaletnyk participated in the work of the Second Symposium of Rectors of the Visegrad Association of Universities, which was held at the Louisiana State University. As a result of the agreements, bilateral agreements on partnership, cooperation and scientific exchange were signed between the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, the All-Ukrainian Scientific-Educational Consortium and the Louisiana State University. Of the 50 universities in Europe and the USA, the VNAU became the only educational institution with which the cooperation agreement was concluded.
On June 18, 2018, a VNAU delegation led by President Gregory Kaletnik and University Rector Victor Mazur attended the BSUN 2018 UN 2030 Congress: Sustainable Development Goals in the Black Sea Region: from Science to Implementation, hosted by Aristotle University (Aristotle University). , Greece). VNAU President Grigory Kaletnyk, as a participant in the educational session, was one of the first speakers. His report: “Formation of scientific and innovative economic space. The combination of the educational opportunities of the University and the scientific and practical potential of the Consortium "aroused great interest and lively discussion among the congress participants. The participants of the event welcomed the model of development of the Universities within the cluster associations on the principles, which are included in the activity of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Educational Consortium.
The name of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University is well known for foreign partners for its achievements, scientific achievements, inventions and startups.
A convincing victory for our young scientists has been brought from the prestigious International University Startup World Cup 2018. The competition is held annually in Copenhagen (Denmark) and aims to create a platform for the exchange of views, research and attract young talented scientists to the field. The competition is extremely high, with 70 of the best university startups from 45 countries in the world. A team of scientists from VNAU competed with powerful American, Australian, Canadian, German, Irish, Danish, Slovak, Portuguese, Swedish, Chinese, Finnish educational institutions. In particular, with teams from such renowned universities as Harvard University (USA), Hamburg Technical University (Germany), Denmark's largest Technical University and others. Startup of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University from the beginning