The Botanical garden
The Botanical garden "Podillia" of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University is the state park-monument of landscape art and the only collection of Podillia’s rare plants, the recreation place for the citizens of Vinnytsia region and its green decoration. It’s also the regional center of scientific and methodological basis for the students of VNAU and other higher educational establishments of Vinnytsia to conduct scientific research work.
The University chairs have their plots in the Botanical garden.
Today the Botanical garden is the base for applied research in the fields of floriculture, ornamental horticulture, forestry and forest improvement, plant physiology, ecology of Podillia region. It is basis for the development of regional programs of planting with verdure, study eco-landscapes of Podillia, monitoring of rare and disappearing plants. It enables to maintain a close relationship with nature reserves of Vinnytsia region and other botanical gardens of Ukraine. The University’s Botanical garden reveals the beauty and uniqueness of Podillia’s flora. It reflects the achievements of biology and it is the center of the focused work to reproduce the plant resources of the area and their species composition.