Faculty of Management and Law
Location: | Vinnytsia, 3 Pirogova St., Building 5 |
Phone: | (0432) 65-63-69 (0432) 65-63-52 |
managers@vsau.vin.ua |
The Faculty provides educational services for the training bachelors and masters in the specialties: “Management”, “Marketing”, “Public Management and Administration”, “Law”.
A significant role in the system of organization and management of the activity of the faculty is played by the Dean’s Office, the general meeting of the Labour Collective, the Student’s Council, the Student’s Self-Government.
At the Faculty of Management and Law there are: a law clinic, a specialized laboratory for alternative energy sources, two computer classes with Internet access, lecture rooms equipped with multimedia facilities, a library, a dining room.
The total contingent of students of the Faculty of Management and Law is 1500 people, which is the result of the hard work of the whole team, which reveals itself in providing quality educational services to students, conducting interesting scientific, educational and educational work.
The students of the faculty take internships not only in Ukraine, but also at higher education institutions and agricultural enterprises of the USA, France, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, which enhances their employment capacities. During international internships students’ academic mobility is also enhanced by teachers.
The teaching staffs of the faculty are actively engaged in scientific work. The faculty annually hosts scientific and practical conferences: “Transformational Dynamics of Agroindustrial Production”, “Language, Culture and Education”, “Law of Ukraine: Current State and Prospects for Development”.
At the Faculty of Management and Law the Student Self-Government Council actively and fruitfully works, with the participation in a number of cultural and mass events are held. Annually in October, Lawyer’s Day is held with the legal brain-ring between students of the faculty and the College of Industrial Technology of VNAU. The Day of Ukrainian Embroidery, Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, Human Rights Day, etc. are also very bright. Students are actively involved in amateur art; they are participants of university art collectives, which are famous not only in Ukraine but also abroad.
The Faculty of Management and Law is famous for its graduates! Most of them hold executive positions in government bodies, institutions, in the field of entrepreneurship, etc. Among them: Head of Vinnytsia Regional State Administration V.V. Korovii, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine M.P. Martyniuk, Head of Vinnytsia Regional Territorial Branch of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine M.V. Slobodianiuk and many others.
The following graduates of the faculty were connected with the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University: Doctor of Economics, Professor O.H. Shpykuliak, Candidates of Economic Sciences, Associate Professors: A.A. Broiaka, K.V. Mazur, S.A. Mazur, L.M. Pronko, O.V. Tomchuk, O.P. Skoruk, Yu. V. Stavska, T.I. Chornopishchuk and others.
- Department of Agrarian Management
- Department of Administrative Management and Alternative Energy Sources
- Department of History of Ukraine and Philosophy
- Department of Marketing and Agrarian Business
- Department of Law
- Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages