
University Open Day

In order to improve the organization of applications admission for full-time and part-time students, the deans, faculty staff of the University's faculties and students were on duty .
A university counseling center works annually at the university. Constant monitoring and systematic provision of information to the members of the Rectorate on the course of the entrance exams campaign was ensured.
Within the framework of student recruitment and promotion of the educational institution, intensive career guidance is underway.

In modern conditions the orientation of high school students formation for future professional choice the activity of the Center and the department of vocational guidance is determined by the following conceptual principles:

  • organization of information environment, design of leaflets, booklets, prospectuses, presentations, posters, etc .;
  • use of media (press, radio, television, Internet);
  • cooperation with the Vinnytsia Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment;
  • cooperation with Employment Centers;
  • involvement of parents, students and graduates in vocational guidance;
  • informational work on the University website;
  • work with applicants in social networks.

 The best way to provide career guidance for Center staff is to bring information about the university through:

  • conducting lessons on “Choosing a profession and opportunities given by the University”;
  • participation in vocational programs on television, production and broadcast of promotion programs about the university, preparation of stories about the activities of the university on UA TV channels: Suspilne, Vita, Vinnytsia, TRK Ukraine, ICTV;
  • collaboration with print media and Internet publications;
  • conducting part-time preparatory courses for the students of the final grades of secondary schools, students of colleges and vocational schools;
  • conducting regional vocational guidance activities;
  • participation in exhibitions, regional and district vocational orientation events;
  • organizing and conducting meetings with representatives of different professions;
  • holding Open Days for future applicants;
  • holding University Days at colleges;
  • cooperation with comprehensive educational institutions of Vinnytsia and neighboring regions by attracting students who are graduates of these educational institutions;
  • work with applicants through social networks.

The most efficient form of work is direct communication with appplicants. With the support of the university's management , it was possible to attend 10 city-wide meetings with school graduates organized jointly with the district employment centers in Illinetskyi, Lypovetskyi, Litynskyi, Kalynivskyi, Kryzhopilskyi, Nemyrivskyi, Tyvrivskyi, Teplytskyi, Kozyatynskyi, Mohyliv - Podilskyi.
Due to the initiative of the university's management, a new form of career guidance was created - thanks to our students. More than 400 VNAU students with updated booklets and career guidance notes containing full information about the specialities which the university traines, and subjects of EIT for each of them, met with school graduates at their schools , explaining the benefits of studying at Vinnitsya National Agrarian University.
Thanks to such work it was possible to reach Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Sumy, Odesa and other regions .

Due to the special attention of the university president and the rector to the importance of vocational guidance, Vinnytsya National Agrarian University is always distinguished among other educational institutions by its presentations, creative approach, which enables each applicant get acquainted with the specialities , rules of admission and the benefits of studying at Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. It is prestigious and promising.
What is waiting for you on the Open Day of the university .

The event program:

  1. meeting with the president and rector of the university, the deans of the faculties;
  2. Exhibition of scientific, technical and creative achievements of the University;
  3. consultations of the admission committee experts regarding the entry;
  4. exclusive trainings and workshops;
  5. video presentations about the university and its international activities;
  6. communication with famous graduates and employers;
  7. a festive concert with the participation of talented youth of the University.


Open Day 2019

Open Day 2018


Events in the photos