Page of the university president

The credo of life:
«To reach the sky one should not only dream, but also act» - says G. Kaletnik. «To become a succseful person it is necessary to set a specific goal based on one's abilities, knowledge, skills, and then persistently put it into life. Each new day gives each of us a change to do something useful in life. And the goal is achieved by the one who aspired to it».
Academician of NAAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chairman of the Ukrainian Association of producers of bioenergy raw materials, equipment, biofuel and scientific support of bioenergy production development «UkrBioEnergo»; People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the IV - VI convocations, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations, holder of the «Order of Merits» of the III and II degrees, Excellent Worker of Public Education, Honored Economist of Ukraine.
In 2011 he become the laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology for the work «The Systems of Use of Bioresources in Modern Biotechnologies for Obtaining Alternative Fuels». He is the author of more then 90 draft laws, 50 of which were supported at plenary session of the Ukrainian Parliament and came into force as laws dealing with the development of the agricultural sector, land issues, energy, environmental and food safety of the state, education.
An important step in the career of H. Kaletnik was made when he began to work as head of the collective farm in the village of Velyka Kisnytsia in Yampil district Vinnytsia region (1979 - 1982). There he began his scientific work. In 1991 he defended his thesis for the scientific degree of the Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.Managerial capacity, professionalism, concern for the problems of the village contributed to his further career growth. For more than two and a half years (1992 - 1994) H. Kaletnik was the representative of the President of Ukraine in Yampil district.
Hryhoriy Kaletnik is a man of inexhaustible energy, ambitious, persistent, optimistic and hard-working. He constantly creates and put into practice new plans and ideas.
In a short time VNAU has changed considerably under the leadership of the President. H. Kaletnik does his best to strengthen the institution and made it a powerful center of agricultural science and education, that is able to respond the challenges of the society in educational, scientific, cultural and social spheres. He is also working at the implementation of the concept of «Structural Changes in Agrarian Sector of Ukraine in the XXI Century» which includes the conception of development of the University on research principles.
On the initiative of the President of the University in August 2013 government of Ukraine founded the All-Ukrainian scientific-educational and production consortium (resolution № 546 from 11.07.2013). Since then the Consortium has been developing dynamically and has already received recognition from the foreign countries.
Specialized Council for defending theses in the field of Economics for the scientific degrees of Candidates and Doctors of Economics was created. More than twenty new specialties, including «International economy» were opened. The Chair of military training, which does not function in any other educational institution of Vinnytsia, was created.
President of the University pays much attention to strengthening the material and technical base of educational institution: classroom facilities have been developed to more than 6,000 sq. meters due to the construction of one more floor above the educational buildings № 3 and № 2, as well as the transferring the premises of the former Design Institute to the University, now educational building № 5. On the territory of the University the Church of the Three Saints, who are the patrons of education and science, and a modern amphitheater were built.
H. Kaletnik is the author of more than 350 scientific, educational and methodological works, among which are 8 textbooks, 20 manuals with the signature stamp of Ministry of Education of Ukraine, 22 monographs and more than 150 scientific articles in professional journals. He is the author of 61 patents for inventions and useful models.
He has prepared 5 Doctors of Sciences, 14 Candidates of Sciences, and now he is a scientific supervisor of three Doctors of Sciences, three post-graduate students and two competitors. H. Kaletnik is the head of the scientific school «Agrarian Policy and Food, Energy and Environmental Security of Ukraine». Scientists, post-graduate students and students of the scientific school investigate the problems of alternative sources of energy and the development of agrarian sector of economy. Novelty and practical expediency of scientific researches of the school of academician H. Kaletnik are confirmed by numerous approvals of applied developments.
He delivers lecture courses: «Agrarian Policy and Land relations», «Agricultural Policy», «Biofuel: Efficiency of Production and Consumption in Agro-industrial complex of Ukraine», «Agrarian policy,
economy and International relations. " ».
Hryhoriy Kaletnik is a person of a state scale, strong will and invincible spirit; he is open and soulful at the same time.
Being a farmer by his nature, he absorbed from his ancestors boundless love to Ukrainian village, to the man of labor, to the hardworking and wise peasant.
Every day he tries hard to grow the seeds of morality and spirituality in the souls of his students and is looking forward of seeing them honest and respectable citizens of Ukraine.
«To reach the sky one should not only dream, but also act. Only the one who walks will get the road! The goal is achieved by the one who aspires to it.» - says H. Kaletnik.
H. Kaletnik is the author of more than 350 scientific, educational and methodological works, among which are 8 textbooks, 20 manuals with the signature stamp of Ministry of Education of Ukraine, 22 monographs and more than 150 scientific articles in professional journals. He is the author of 61 patents for inventions and useful models.