
Faculty of Economics and Business

Location:Vinnytsia, 3 Sonyachna str. , building 2
room. 2215, 2217
Phone:(0432) 43-72-30

The faculty prepares bachelors and masters of the following specialties: "Finance, Banking and Insurance", "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activity", "Management" (specialization "Logistics"), "Economics" (specializations: "Economic Cybernetics", "International" Economics","Enterprise Economics"), "Hotel and Restaurant Business","Tourism","Computer Sciences".

The faculty of economics and business was established in July 2016 as a result of the reorganization of the faculty of economics. The department is headed by the candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Antonina Broyaka. The successful work of the faculty is guaranteed by the high professional and scientific level of the teaching staff.

The teaching staff of the faculty constantly improves its qualification in the leading institutions and enterprises in Ukraine and abroad, in particular at the Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Colorado Universities of the USA. The high level of scientific and pedagogical potential allows the teachers of the faculty to give lectures in English, to hold international conferences and thematic meetings with the foreign scientists and specialists, to provide business consultations, and also to be participants in international scientific conferences and seminars in foreign countries.

The graduating departments, within the limits of functioning of the scientific schools of the faculty, conduct the postgraduate studies, protect the candidate and doctoral theses. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the departments of the faculty provide the educational process not only at the faculty of economics and entrepreneurship, but also at other faculties of the university, in the specialties and corresponding disciplines stipulated by the curriculums.

The novelty and high level of the scientific and technical developments and achievements of the faculty’s teachers are confirmed by the author’s certificates, certificates and acts on implementation, publication of the monographs, textbooks. The developments of the faculty’s scientists were repeatedly represented at the national and international conferences (Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Romania), symposiums, etc.

Based on the initiative of the teachers of the department of economic cybernetics, the informational scientific and consulting educational environment "Intranet of VNAU", the electronic management system of the University "Socrates", the social scientific consulting network of the university "VNAU Community", the automatic informational system "Medical Information System", e-library system "Sofia", the electronic educational system "Module", the automatic management system "Deanery", the curriculum "WEB-accounting" were created and implemented. They meet the world standards and received awards, grants, gold medals for the contribution to the development and implementation of the innovative technologies.

The computerization of the educational process and management of the educational activity stimulates the transition to the latest learning technologies and effective management system, and the allocation of the necessary resources contributes to the development of the scientific research, and also the publication of the electronic educational textbooks, manuals and other educational and methodological literature.

The efforts of the faculty and graduating departments are aimed at studying the needs of the labor market, expanding of the social partnership with employers, concluding of the long-term cooperation agreements, which include employment of the graduates.

The international relations concerning the internships are carried out according the international agreements and contracts with the appropriate institutions abroad. The teachers of the departments of the professional training introduce the concept of end-to-end economic and computer training of the specialists. The essence of this concept lies in the systematic deepening of the students’ knowledge and skills of computer and applied software in solving of professional problems.

The current students, acquiring knowledge of economics, mathematics, foreign languages ​​and informational technology, will create a domestic economic and scientific elite, which will be able to secure a worthy place for our country in the world economy and to meet the difficult challenges of the third millennium.

The student scientific society actively works at the faculty. In the walls of Alma Mater the students begin to engage in science, participate in seminars, competitions, olympiads, present the reports at conferences, publish their scientific papers.

The acquisition of the practical skills in leading Ukrainian and foreign practice bases, mastering of advanced technologies of teaching and learning of the agricultural technology contribute to enriching the student’s experience and create a significant advantage in the labor market in the future. The students of the faculty have the opportunity to undergo training and production training in the agricultural industry of the leading countries: Poland, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, Germany, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The faculty systematically participates in the job fairs. The former graduates of the faculty, which occupy the leading positions and have need of the highly qualified specialists at present also take an active part in organizing and conducting of the fair. As a result, the capable graduates of our faculty find employment while still students.

All necessary conditions for leisure, physical education and sports are created for the students of the faculty. There are a gym, dance halls, a shaping room, etc. There is a modern stadium, a gym, three sports fields for the students of the faculty. On the basis of the university’s sports complex the students have the opportunity to take part in sports competitions in various sports held between the higher education institutions, and also in internal sports competitions between the faculties.

The students of the faculty successfully compete in the teams of the university, city, region and Ukraine at the competitions of city, regional, all-Ukrainian and international levels.

The graduates of the faculty are desirable employees of the economic and financial services of the enterprises and organizations of various industries and forms of ownership in the positions of the economists, accountants, auditors, financiers, analysts, IT specialists. They occupy the leading positions in the bodies of the state tax administration, insurance companies, banking institutions and are the heads of the enterprises. As the students- graduates say, "We have no doubt the correctness of our choice!".

We are proud that our graduates work in the leading enterprises and institutions of Vinnytsia region and Ukraine: a limited liability company JV "NIBULON", a company "Complex Agromars", an open joint stock company "Bratslav", a joint limited liability company "Niva", a subsidiary company "Podil Horticultural Research Station of IS NAAN "Progress"", a joint production company "Dream", a joint limited liability company "Podillya", a private joint venture "Zorya", a limited liability company "AGRANA Fruit Luka", in the regional and district branches of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine, the Main Department of the Ministry of Revenue in Vinnytsia region, in the district fiscal services, government, banks, higher educational institutions of Vinnitsa, Zhitomir and other regions.

The graduates of the magistracy actively carry out their scientific researches, enter the postgraduate studies and work in the higher educational establishments of the II-IV levels of the accreditation. Most of them have defended their PhD theses and work on their doctoral theses.

We are truly grateful to all our graduates, and proud to have them.


  • Department of Computer Sciences and Economic Cybernetics
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism
  • Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Technologies

Departments of the faculty

Events in the photos