Accounting and Auditing Faculty
Location: | Vinnytsia, 3 Sonyachna str., building 1 room. 1208 |
Phone: | 8325 (tran) | |
Registration of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing as a structural unit of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University.
The successful work of the faculty is guaranteed by the high professional and scientific level of the teaching staff, which is annually replenished with young scientists, doctors and candidates of sciences.
Departments train qualified specialists in accounting, auditing, analysis, controlling, taxation for various spheres of activity and branches of economy, including for industrial, construction, transport enterprises, sphere of services and trade, objects of hotel business and tourism, budgetary and financial institutions , regulatory authorities. The level of protection of full-time scientific and pedagogical employees of the faculty is 88%.
The Faculty of Accounting and Auditing trains specialists with professional knowledge of finance and banking, insurance, national and international accounting, auditing, financial analysis and the ability to participate in the development of accounting and management information systems, management, financial, strategic, socio-economic accounting, accounting of tax calculations, with work skills - head of department, chief accountant, head of accounting and reporting, head of enterprise, teacher of educational institution.The faculty trains specialists with a bachelor's and master's degree in two specialties:071 «Accounting and taxation»072 «Finance, banking and insurance».A graduate of the specialty "Accounting and Taxation" can perform accounting and analytical and auditing work at enterprises and organizations of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. A modern accountant-analyst is a competent specialist not only in accounting, but also in economic analysis, audit, audit and control, and corporate finance. Given the modern requirements for the profession of accountant, the faculty prepares specialists with a broad profile with knowledge of international accounting and auditing standards.A graduate of the specialty "Finance, Banking and Insurance" carries out professional activities in the financial and credit system for servicing legal entities and individuals in the money market. Graduates can work in pension funds, insurance funds, credit unions, settlement centers, collection departments, commercial banks.
The Faculty of Accounting and Auditing carries out educational activities on the basis of its own scientific and pedagogical experience and international innovative educational technologies. The educational process is based on a combination of traditional and new educational teaching methods through the use of interactive problem-based lectures and seminars; case technologies and business games, use of modern multimedia and audiovisual technologies.Faculty members have the opportunity to see for themselves the high standards of education, which motivate more and more work on themselves during the internship.The teaching staff of the faculty is constantly improving its skills in leading institutions and enterprises of Ukraine and abroad, in particular at the University of Louisiana, USA (Mulyk T.O, Pravdyuk N.L - 1999), University of Colorado, USA (Lepetan I .M. - 2012), University of Wroclaw, Poland (Fostolovich V.A - 2013-2014), Western Finland College, Finland (Korpanyuk T.M - 2016), Prague University of Economics, Czech Republic (Pravdyuk M.V - 2018), University "Professor Dr. Assen Zlatarov", Bulgaria (Fedoryshyna L.I - 2018), University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov ”, Bulgaria (Fedoryshyna L.I, Tomashuk I.V - 2019). All faculty members undergo internships at the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Educational Consortium.
Faculty members participate in grant programs. In April 2019, associate professors Ishchenko Ya.P. and Koval O.V presented at the competition of Vinnytsia Regional Council and Vinnytsia Regional State Administration, which took place within the Program of development of information and innovative technologies in educational institutions of the region, their innovative development for training practice "Interactive form of learning" Virtual Accounting ", as a result received grant funds for implementation project.
Training programs provide an opportunity to train highly qualified specialists with an appropriate base of theoretical and practical knowledge, who are competitive in the modern labor market, can work in the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the State Audit Office of Ukraine, the Institute of Forensic Economics, audit firms, public and private sector in the positions of accountant, chief accountant, expert accountant, state financial auditor, independent auditor, internal auditor.Students of the faculty take an active part in the All-Ukrainian professional olympiads. Each time students show their high level of knowledge and high level of preparation.
The teaching staff of the faculty is actively engaged in scientific work. Scientific and practical conferences are held annually at the faculty. The most important issue of the conferences is the study and discussion of accounting, control and analytical support in the management system of both the enterprise and the national economy as a whole.
Faculty members also take an active part in All-Ukrainian and International scientific-practical conferences in other institutions of Ukraine and Europe.
Students take an active part in the scientific work of the faculty. Most of them are winners of all-Ukrainian scientific competitions, student video competitions and grant programs.
The most promising research areas, the development of which contributes to the development of the agro-industrial sector of the country are the following:- information support of land resources management in agriculture of Ukraine;- digital economy and quantitative methods in the management of economic systems and processes;- information resources for the formation of the mechanism of economic security of the enterprise for management purposes in a competitive environment;- information support for the development of organic production in Ukraine and others.
Educational work at the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing is an integral and integral part of a holistic system of training and is aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality of the future specialist. One of the basic links of educational work at the faculty is the activity of curators of academic groups, which is aimed at forming a professionally active personality, competent, aimed at creative self-development and continuous improvement of knowledge in the learning process.
The faculty provides conditions for self-development of students, the realization of their creative potential, providing active social protection, creating the necessary and sufficient conditions to intensify their efforts to solve educational and life problems.
Thanks to numerous events held at the university ("Podolsky Ball", "Miss VNAU", Cultural and Art Festival "With love for the homeland", the traditional competition for first-year students "Open yourself", VNAU's birthday and many others) students have the opportunity to get rich spiritually, develop and show their talents.
The staff of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing does an extremely important job every day - it trains highly qualified specialists who are able to compete in the world market. Scientific achievements and developments are put into practice on a daily basis, the newest programs on priority directions of scientific researches for the decision of important social and economic problems in various branches of economy of Ukraine are realized.