At the initiative of the Vice-Rector for Research, Education and Innovation Activity Inna Goncharuk, on March 2022, in order to improve skills and open new opportunities of the Web of Science platform, the Clarivate webinars in Ukrainian were held for researches, teaching staff, young scientists and workers of the library of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, to which approximately 130 participants were connected online.
On March 10, 2022, a webinar was held on the topic: "Citation and their analysis". Clarivate Scholars Series 2022. Webinar participants had the opportunity to review everything related to citations in those documents that are indexed on the platform and also in those that are not indexed, but are mentioned in the bibliography. They learnt how to find citations of your works that are not indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, by whom they are made, and how to use this data in scientific work. Citing publications demonstrates the attention of scholars to a particular work. The analysis of citations allows to predict directions of the development of science, carry out the comparative analysis of efficiency of the work of the scientists, establishments, countries. Citation is the basis for the calculation of a number of scientometric indicators.
On March 15, 2022, a webinar was held on the topic: "Workshop: Web of Science Core Collection Basic and Advanced Search". Web of Science Core Collection contains data from more than 21,800 journals, as well as materials from the best conferences and monographs. Analysis of the quality literature allows you to choose the best areas, methods, partnerships for more successful work and avoid mistakes that are described in the scientific sources. At the webinar, participants discussed the search algorithms in the Web of Science Core Collection, symbols for reducing substitution, the use of search operators, syntax of search queries, the most common user of errors, as well as clarification, analysis and storage of data. They gained skills which they can use in further research and reporting. They overviewed the features of using the advanced search: combining search queries, saving and analysis.
On March 22, 2022, a webinar on "Research Smarter: Applied Scientometry" was held. At the webinar, participants discussed the meaning of such terms as scientometrics and bibliometrics. They found out that these are the terms that have confidently entered to the lives of scientists and evoke diametrically opposed emotions from admiration and idealization to persistent rejection. They consired the purpose and tasks of scientometrics, what data are used from what sources, criteria of their quality. And also considered how it is calculated and what it can not be used for: impact factor and its variations, Journal Citation Indicator, quartiles, h-index, CNCI, beamplots. On the examples of correct and incorrect application, they identified the causes and the consequences. They discussed how to use the data to build a roadmap of scientific activity of the scientist, institution, country.
Science is a self-organizing system, the development of which is guided by its information flows. External conditions are allocations for the development of science, organizational forms that have developed in a country, ideological pressure, secrecy, all these are just elements of the environment in which science develops. The environment may be favorable or unfavorable for the development of science, but it is not able to force science to develop in some organically alien to it direction. So we will call scientometrics as the quantitative methods of studying the development of science as an information process.
On March 24, 2022, a webinar was held on the topic: "Research Smarter: Weighted evaluation of publications." In which participants reviewed the growing number of scientific results, changes in the publishing landscape caused by the open access movement, what are the requirements for publications and the activity of predatory publications that encourage authors to be careful when selecting publications for publishing. The webinar discussed how publications are selected for the Web of Science Core Collection, from which areas of knowledge, what are the quality criteria of the publication and what additional indicators and metrics of the publication are available in Journal Citation Reports. And they discussed how to find the best editions for publication or check whether the proposed edition is really indexed in the Core Collection.